Welcome to our website! Learn about the 20+ year story of Tye Dye Everything Take a look at our products View colors & patterns here! Show Schedule some great resources call or visit us!
We have been expressing the joy of color by producing vibrant tie-dyed clothing and accessories since 1989. Choose from over 150 different tie-dyed items, including t-shirts, tanktops, sweats, dresses, pants, hats, baby clothes, sheets, socks, underwear, lab coats, scrubs, wall hanging and lots more!    Visit our departments: NEW ITEMS!Shirts and TopsDresses and SkirtsJackets and CoverupsPants and ShortsSocks and UnderwearInfant/Toddler ClothingYouth Clothing LabCoats and ScrubsAccessoriesBed, Bath and KitchenMiscellaneous
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Who knows what will end up here... see the photo gallery for color and pattern choices...remember, no 2 things will look alike!
Pleated Cotton MaskJersey Knit MaskPotholdersCannabis Leaf PotholdersYarmulkesWomen's Cotton/Spandex LeotardUnion Suit (Adult Onesie)School/Team ColorsCoverallsDrum HeadsDog TeeFanScreen Printing
New Product! Cannabis Leaf Potholders
cannabis leaf potholders
PRICE $15.00

These potholders are perfect for every kind of chef and cook out there! Made of durable cotton fabric and insulated batting to protect your hands and tables from the heat of cooking and baking.

Measurements are are 9" x 9".

They can be cannabis on both sides, or just one. If you want tie dye on one side, please specify in the special instructions.

Want a pair? We can do that! Two for $25! (Total will be adjusted at time of shipping)


Tye-Dye Everything © 2025 | 527 Main St. Moscow Idaho 83843 | 208.883.4779 | info@tyedye-everything.com
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