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We have been expressing the joy of color by producing vibrant tie-dyed clothing and accessories since 1989. Choose from over 150 different tie-dyed items, including t-shirts, tanktops, sweats, dresses, pants, hats, baby clothes, sheets, socks, underwear, lab coats, scrubs, wall hanging and lots more!    Visit our departments: NEW ITEMS!Shirts and TopsDresses and SkirtsJackets and CoverupsPants and ShortsSocks and UnderwearInfant/Toddler ClothingYouth Clothing LabCoats and ScrubsAccessoriesBed, Bath and KitchenMiscellaneous
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photo gallery
Welcome to the Photo Gallery! 
Here you can view a sampling of the colors and patterns we offer -- mild or wild as we like to say.  Remember, no two garments will look the same -- part of the joy of tie-dye.   We also have some pictures of some of the wild and crazy things that we've enjoyed dying over the years. As you can see we  do lots of custom dying also.
A fan favorite and ultimate classic!

Fire Flashy Fun!
Sometimes with black and purple!

Jewel Tones
See what blues, greens, and purples can do!
(And sometimes pink too!)

Pretty Pinks-Purples!
A great combo!

Earth Tones
Camo: Browns-Greens 
Fall: Rusts-Browns-Greens-Gold 

Navy, Orange, Red and Purple
This gallery is full of rich color combinations of Navy, Oranges, Reds, and Purples. 

This gallery is full of fun color palates with Purples, Oranges, Pinks, and Yellows! 

Red, White, & Blue
An American classic with a groovy spin!

Reverse Dye
Reverse Tye-Dye is a special process that is used on black garments to give depth to the colors!


Crystal Wash

Novelty Patterns

Scrubs and Labcoats

Customer Photos
Send us YOUR fun pictures!

Meet the Crew

Tye-Dye Everything © 2025 | 527 Main St. Moscow Idaho 83843 | 208.883.4779 | info@tyedye-everything.com
Designed & Hosted by First Step Internet | 208.882.8869 | www.fsr.com